Using the SampleTrak™ Approach

Measuring the Impact, Effectiveness & ROI of Sampling Activities and Event Marketing

Sampling is an effective—though often expensive—strategy for building awareness and trial for brands and products. SampleTrak™ is a powerful research tool that delivers insights about the impact and ROI of sampling initiatives and event marketing, cost-effectively and efficiently. Getting a full loop of feedback and data in order to identify the best path forward is essential for sampling plans to be time and cost effective, and giving products the best chance of success.

How Does SampleTrak Work?

SampleTrak utilizes our proprietary ResponseCash® recruitment system. This system allows us to efficiently reach sample recipients across various venues and tactics and compare to consumers who were not exposed to sampling. Additionally, we have the ability to follow up over time to determine long-term impact—including determination of whether sample recipients ultimately converted to first-time purchasers. Our study is designed to help our clients to understand the extent to which there is an incremental lift in sales associated with each sampling tactic and/or promotional venue being tested as well.

Outcomes of Product Sampling with SampleTrak

AMC Global’s clients use the SampleTrak market research solution to:

  • Evaluate overall program effectiveness
  • Determine purchase conversion rates
  • Establish costs per converted purchaser
  • Understand the demographic and behavioral profile of sample recipients and if the intended target was reached
  • Identify the impact on brand equity and brand perceptions
  • Assess results by each venue/tactic to understand similarities and differences
  • Plan for future allocations to get the biggest ROI (return on investment)

Gaining Deeper Insights Through SampleTrak

Brands are able to get the insights they need in order to determine the best path forward for their product and sampling plans. Some of the outcomes from a SampleTrak program include:

  • Was the program effective? The percent of recipients that convert to first time purchasers of your product and the cost per converted purchaser is determined. This can include understanding in how your program is driving day-of-sampling purchases, top-of-mind awareness, and subsequent purchases.
  • Did you reach your target? The demographic profile and category purchase history of sample recipients is gathered. This way brands can understand if their samples reached the target audience, and who converted to purchase.
  • Was there a positive impact on brand equity? The impact of the program on perceptions of your brand is assessed. Understanding consumer perceptions is vital to make sure your brand stays competitive and relevant in your space.


These results are provided for each venue and tactic being tested. This enables your team to determine how they should allocate future spending in order to ensure your spend gets you the biggest bang for your buck!

Often companies spend a fortune on product sampling without knowing the ROI of these efforts. AMC’s proprietary SampleTrak™ program is designed to truly enable our clients to determine the impact, effectiveness and ROI of their product sampling and event marketing efforts.