“As a company, we are committed to creating strategies that will help us do our part to work toward equity in the market research industry and beyond. We work to help our clients create research strategies that are representative, and meet the challenge of engaging underrepresented and diverse populations. Our inclusive and supportive culture allows our employees to be the best partners to our clients they can be.”
At AMC Global, we take pride in our ability to adapt to the marketplace and its changing needs. After all, that’s how it all began. We identified a need that wasn’t being met by traditional research and the rest is history…the history of us.
Many years ago, we noticed a pattern: Brand teams were chomping at the bit for data on their new products. Having just hit shelves, it was nearly impossible to find consumers legitimately aware of these products (let alone purchasers!) using traditional methodologies. Not only was it too costly, timing was unacceptable for those who knew that reacting quickly to launch results was pivotal for product success.
Determined to overcome this hurdle, the founding members at AMC Global worked tirelessly until they found a better way. The solution was to place survey invitations coupled with incentives directly into or onto product packages, inviting purchasers to complete a survey in exchange for an immediate cash incentive. Originally called ResponseCheck®, this methodology has been enhanced, refined, patented and re-launched as today’s global ResponseCash® Purchaser Follow-Up (PFU) program.
This game changing methodology has set us apart from other research organizations, but the story doesn’t end there. That same innovative spirit lives on at AMC Global today. While many organizations simply resort to what they have done in the past, we strive to improve upon it every day. When others say, “It can’t be done,” we say, “We will find a way.” Constantly re-evaluating, improving and adapting are some of the key differentiating factors that define AMC Global, and will drive our clients’ success moving forward.