Why I Love Market Research Interview Series

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Welcome to our “Why I Love MR” QA Series! We have talked with both internal AMC Staff and some of our clients, so keep an eye out for fun interviews coming up exploring all the reasons why those of us who work in market research are so passionate about what we do! Interested in being interviewed and sharing why YOU love MR? Reach out to us.

Gen Z’s Consumer Journey and Impact on Brand Marketing


Gen Z is changing marketing. They prefer personalized, genuine content on social media and in stores. Brands should align with Gen Z’s values and use influencers. Gen Z relies on social media for product info and values in-person shopping. Market research is key to understanding this generation!

AI is Shaping the Future of Insights

Artificial Intelligence

In our recent AMC Global Why I Love MR interviews, we ask the question: What do you feel are hot topics and cutting-edge innovations in the market research field today? Out of all the interviews we’ve conducted, it is not surprising that nearly all our participants have responded to this question with a singular answer: AI.

Gen Z’s Impact on Beverage Trends

Gen Z and Beverages

Generation Z (born 1997-2010) is impacting the beverage industry in a big way, bringing with them unique habits and preferences that are reshaping the innovations, product development and the overall landscape.

Functional Beverages, Alternative Proteins, Food Labels and Digital Trends in 2024

Functional Beverage Trends 2024

The International Food Information Council (IFIC) has recently published its food trends forecast for 2024 in Food Insight, highlighting several areas in which we can expect to see growth and development in the coming year. Key areas identified include: a greater emphasis on how nutrition supports mental and emotional health, with a focus on supplements for women’s health, and foods and beverages promoting sleep, stress reduction, and mood.

Consumer Beverage Trends in 2024: What to Expect

vecteezy buyer woman with store wooden shelving with bottled juices

As 2024 approaches, what will consumers be seeking in their drink choices? From changing attitudes toward alcohol to elevated health concerns to the rise of non-alcoholic alternatives, let’s examine the evolving landscape of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage preferences for the year ahead.

Exploring Private Label Popularity Amid Inflationary Pressures

AMC Store Brands

The Private Label Manufacturers Association (PLMA) has reported a significant increase in total U.S. store brand dollar sales, reaching $233 billion, up by $4 billion from 2022. This surge is attributed to consumers turning to attractively-priced private label goods amid rising costs of name brands due to persistent inflation. Our recent AMC Global consumer behavior study supports this claim, showing that 22% of shoppers have switched to store brands to save money in the face of inflation.