AMC Global’s “Why I Love MR” Interviewees Weigh in on Artificial Intelligence in Market Research

Artificial Intelligance
AI is Shaping the Future of Insights 2

In our recent AMC Global Why I Love MR interviews, we ask the question: What do you feel are hot topics and cutting-edge innovations in the market research field today? Out of all the interviews we’ve conducted, it is not surprising that nearly all our participants have responded to this question with a singular answer: AI.

While artificial intelligence is certainly one of the biggest innovations shaping the future of the insights industry today, our interviewees each have a unique perspective on how AI will affect us. 

For example, Terrence McCarron, CEO & Founder of OpinionRoute, believes that “AI offers a seminal moment of validation for the discipline and practice of market research… AI can make its biggest impact by freeing up the research practitioner to go deeper and be more consultative with the brands they serve. AI will become a key tool for many roles in our industry, not a replacement for those people.”

Our own EVP Kelly Jasper agrees that the human touch is something that cannot be replaced in the insights field. She shares that while artificial intelligence can support the speed to which we garner insights, “human understanding (especially when it comes to the context surrounding what we’re researching) and strategic judgment will always be necessary. Quickly finding the story in the data is important, but discerning the human voice (and empathy) behind the data is even more critical. It’s what allows us to bridge a connection between our clients and their consumers.” AMC Senior Research Director, Reene Kalola agrees, “nothing can replace the human attention and care we devote to our analysis, so it will be all about how we can improve our processes rather than replace them.”

Beyond thoughts on how AI cannot replace the human touch, another thread running through our interviews was awareness of the need to regulate AI in the market research industry. Jenny Stephen, Consumer Insights Manager at Beam Suntory, thinks that AI “will allow brands to be more agile in their innovation development by allowing them to identify and take action on growing trends sooner. However, AI comes with a new set of challenges as it poses threats to data quality and integrity, so its continued evolvement will be something we continue to navigate through.” 

Ashley D’Annunzio, AMC’s Vice President of Qualitative Insights, talks about all supportive tech tools, including AI, needing thorough evaluation: “At the end of the day, the key is doing our own due diligence in exploring and vetting the tools and tech that we keep in our tool boxes so we can make the best recommendations to meet the needs of our clients.”

There is no doubt that AI, specifically GenAI, will be part of market research’s future and has already become an integral part of our present-day activities. Karen Lynch, Head of Content at Greenbook, advises that market researchers need to lean in to this technology or be left behind. And Alecia DiVita, Senior Project Director at AMC, says “AI has been making waves and, by working together with AI and utilizing the strength of the researcher’s creativity and knowledge, I believe it has the chance to really shape the future of market research.” AMC’s Sian Douglas also says “AI is here to stay and it’s set to play a big role in the future.” We agree, and can’t wait to see what the future holds.

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